Rutgers Global: International Agreement Proposal/Renewal Request Form

If you are a Rutgers Faculty, use this form to submit: 
  • Proposals for new agreements 
  • Renewals of existing agreements 
If you are an International Institution, use this form to submit:
  • Requests for new agreements
  • Request for renewals of your existing agreements 
You will have the chance to review this form before submitting it.
International agreement request information

Completing this form is a mandatory step prior to moving forward with any agreement for potential or existing activities with an international institution. Prior to starting the form, it would be most helpful for you to gather the contact information for the proposed partner, a copy of the existing expiring agreement (if relevant), and information that provides context of the proposed agreement. 

Before you are able to submit the form, you will need to include contact information for your Department Chair and School Dean, so that the form can be sent to both individuals for their approval. Rutgers Global will not move forward with any international agreement without the approval of the Department Chair and School Dean. 
Information about your Rutgers Contact

Information about the International Institution and Contact
Partner Information

Select a country first. Type in the full name to find the institution. Not all results show up right away. Keep typing until seeing "No Results Found". If unable to find the institute, type and select "Institute Not Listed". If you selected a country and want to search another country, make sure you delete institution text in order to view relevant institutions.

Your Contact Information 

Begin by typing your Institution's name in the box below. When you select one, the city and country will automatically populate. If your institution is not found on the list, please leave this field blank, then select "Not on list" in the checkbox field below and enter the details manually.
Partner Information

Select a country first. Type in the full name to find the institution. Not all results show up right away. Keep typing until seeing "No Results Found". If unable to find the institute, type and select "Institute Not Listed". If you selected a country and want to search another country, make sure you delete institution text in order to view relevant institutions.

Rutgers Department
Please select a Rutgers Campus. A field for departments will display for that campus. Please select your department from the list. If your department is not found on the list, please select "Department Not Listed." We will reach out to you for this information after you submit this form.

Faculty/Staff of RBS can choose either Newark or New Brunswick ; Faculty/Staff from Law can choose Camden or Newark

If your department search comes back as "No results found", please select "Department Not Listed." We will reach out to you for this information after you submit this form.

If your department search comes back as "No results found", please select "Department Not Listed." We will reach out to you for this information after you submit this form.

If your department search comes back as "No results found", please select "Department Not Listed." We will reach out to you for this information after you submit this form.

If your department search comes back as "No results found", please select "Department Not Listed." We will reach out to you for this information after you submit this form.

Begin by typing your center or institute in the box below.

If your center or institute is not found on the list, please select " Center/Institute Not Listed." We will reach out to you for this information after you submit this form.
Renewal Agreement Information

Select multiple activities by holding the ctrl key on Windows or command key on a Mac.


New Agreement Information

Select multiple activities by holding the ctrl key on Windows or command key on a Mac.


Information about proposed agreement

Select multiple activities by holding the ctrl key on Windows or command key on a Mac.